Speech 2 selected at the New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival

My audiovisual “Speech 2” (2015) will be screened at the 2016 New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival, that will take place at the Abrons Arts Center on June 13-19. The New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival is an annual, multi-day festival featuring works submittted by emerging and established composers, performers, and sound artists from all over the world. The festival includes pieces for live electronics and fixed media compositions of up

Exhibiting at Arte Alter, Centro Municipal de Artes y Exposiciones de Avilés

My audiovisual installation “Speech 2” will be exhibited January 19 to February 19, at the CMAE. Municipal Arts Centre and Exhibitions of Aviles, Spain. The exhibition ‘ARTE ALTER’ which will show the 12th edition SINEDIE and the continuous projection of selected works ACTIVA’2016. The exhibition is directed by Jaime Rguez coordinated by Encarnación Domingo and Jaime Rguez.

Exhibiting at Make Sound Exhibition, Leicester

My audiovisual installation “Speech 2” will be exhibited June 6-13, 2015 at Highcross Center in Leicester, as part of the Make Sound Festival. From the festival web: Make||Sound is an eight-day festival taking place in Leicester’s City Centre that will be exploring the possibilities and intricacies of sound as an artform. The event runs from from Saturday 6th June until Saturday 13th June 2015 and will play host to musicians,

Speech 2 selected at ACTIVA’2016 International sound-videoArt

I’m delighted to have been selected at ACTIVA’2016 International sound-videoArt with my work “Speech 2”. From ACTIVA web: ACTIVA aims to showcase the latest cultural and artistic trends. The event features a crosscutting programme that reflects the complex cultural fabric of sound-videoArt in the video art today and will dynamize the agenda of Asturias with alternative activities, including exhibitions, screenings, cultural meetings, performances. ACTIVA is a multidisciplinary event that offers the

Speech 2 at The Morley Gallery, London

From 12th of May to 12th of June, my audiovisual piece “Speech 2” will be exposed at The Morley Gallery, London. It will take part of  The Engine Room – international sound art exhibition, which will include sound installations, sound sculptures, audio-visual works, sound art, etc. Dates: 12 May – 12 June 2015 Private View: 11 May 2015 Opening times: Monday – Friday 11:00 – 18:00 Saturday 12:00 – 16:00

Speech 2 at Visible bits, audible bytes 2015, Leicester

On April 22, 2015, my work “Speech 2” will be screened at Visible bits, audible bytes 2015, at Phoenix Art Centre in Leicester, UK. Visible Bits, Audible Bytes will showcase works by audiovisual artists from around the world, including Aristedes García (Germany), Clive Walley (UK), Henry Chomette (France) & Todor Todoroff (Belgium), Jaroslaw Kapuscinski (USA), Raven Kwok (China), Bonnie Mitchel & Elainie Lilios (USA), Mark Cheung (Singapore), Max Hattler (Hong Kong)