My audiovisual piece Speech 1 will also be part of the second edition of (h)ear XL – Multimedia Sound Art Exhibition at Kunstencentrum Signe (Heerlen, The Netherlands).

Francesc Marti Speech 1 HearXL2 heerlen Flyer (h)ear XL II
26/09/2014 – 09/11/2014
Multimedia Sound Art exhibition
Kunstencentrum Signe (art centre Signe)
Heerlen, the

Speech 1 is an audiovisual piece created from a clip from an Edward Kennedy TV interview of the year 1974. In this piece I have been experimenting how granular sound synthesis techniques, in particular synchronous granular synthesis, can be used for audiovisual creative works. All the piece sounds and images come from that clip, i.e., no other sound samples or images have been used to create the video.